Our Environmental Efforts


After we built our Cool Room, saké chillers, and controlled environment for basement storage, we had more wines and sakés on site in temperature-controlled areas than any other retailer. We’d also begun consuming an impressive amount of electricity, which didn’t sit so well with us. For a time it seemed that our commitment to proper wine storage was at odds with our green environmental policies. But then it occurred to us: why not just make and recycle our own electricity? Now, deep in our cellars, two natural gas-powered Micro-Turbines (some of the cleanest-burning engines on earth) quietly keep our wines and sakés at the perfect temperature for you. Any heat the generators produce is recycled into even more energy, so that nothing is wasted. We are proud to be the greenest wine shop in the world, proving that taking care of our wines doesn't have to mean forgetting about our planet.


Organic, Biodynamic, and Natural winemakers are on a mission. It’s something that’s close to our hearts, so we're thrilled to see that they're only getting more popular. They strive to bring you wines that represent the purest possible expressions of grapes, vintage, and soil, and to do so with a minimal impact on the environment. Since this, in a nutshell, is our philosophy, these fanatical grape farmers are some of our favorites. As you know, we too tend to go a little overboard in ensuring the quality of our wines, so those deemed the most delicate by our buyers won't be found in the Organic section: they're kept safe and sound at a constant 57º in our Cool Room.

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